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middle school ministry staff

Kamden Trummel

middle school

year started at cherry hills: 2018
family: Morgan Trummel - Wife

your job in 10 words or less: The Guy for All Things Middle School.

favorite book or verse of the bible: Philippians

on a day off, i am most likely to be...: Working on my house or spending tons of time with my gorgeous new wife.

favorite book/tv show/magazine: Favorite Book – What the Dog Saw by Malcomb Gladwell Favorite TV Show – Scrubs

favorite local restaurant: Charlie Parkers

what do you love about your job? Middle Schoolers are some of the most excitable and passionate groups in the whole church… only their excitement and passion may not be focused on the things you want them to be. That’s typical. However, with a purpose and compelling reason, Middle Schoolers have the ability to change everything. They certainly do not give up on what they love to do. They are resilient and continually striving to push the bounds of what they know and I love it all.
