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senior adults
life together

The Christian life is not meant to be done alone. Jesus calls us to love one another, and we believe we grow best in our faith through relationships with others. We encourage everyone to join a group.


But if you want to find some additional opportunities, the senior adults ministry may have what you’re looking for.

  • Kingdom Builders Sunday School

  • O.K. Club

want more information?

Contact us!

kingdom builders
kingdom builders

A Bible Study class on Sunday mornings at 9:30am in Room E201. There is a time for sharing prayer requests and solid biblical teaching each week from Floyd Disney. There is a strong community of people that care for and connect with one another throughout the week.


Contact us: chc@cherryhillsfamily.org.

O.K. club
O.K. club

O.K. (Older Kids) Club shares a monthly potluck lunch and presentation from speakers on a variety of topics. The group meets on the 2nd Friday of the month in Room E201 at 12:00 pm (noon).


Contact us: chc@cherryhillsfamily.org.

koinonia - better together
koinonia - better together

Whether you’ve been single for a long time, recently lost a spouse, or are on the other side of divorce – we hope you feel welcome. Our vision is to gather together in a comfortable, non-threatening atmosphere for laughter, community and encouragement. This group is for those without companions ages 50+ meeting the second Friday of each month at 6pm in our Student Building.