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Matt & Nadia Lohse
Matt & Nadia Lohse

what country do you serve in?: Chicagoland, U.S.A.

how many years have you been there?: 11 years (4 years as a Wheaton College student, 6 years as a public school teacher mentoring a Christian club, and 1 year in a mission organization that raises up gospel-centered Christian clubs in public schools).  

your job in 2 sentences or less: The mission of the National School Project is to coach public middle school and high school Christian club students to be effective gospel witnesses on their school campuses. We equip these students to lead their Christian clubs winsomely, and empower them to use their clubs as a platform to organize gospel outreach events on their school campuses.  

favorite book: The Heavenly Man

favorite food from the area you serve in: Molten Chocolate Cake from Chili's... seriously it's world class. 

what do you love about your ministry?: The Lord is raising up a new generation of passionate gospel warriors, and I have the amazing privilege of being a mentor, empowerer, and cheerleader to this next wave of faithful Jesus followers. 


To learn more or partner: https://nationalschoolproject.com/studentstaff-detail-page/matt-lohse
