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Every journey has a first step.

We all have stories. In fact, we’re all living a story, right now! God has a story too. Essentials is an 8-week class designed to help us see how God’s story and our stories overlap, and how we can not just know, but learn to live a better story.


The Christian life can be daunting and confusing, especially if you’re newer to our church, new in town, or just new to God. And if you’re looking to get involved at Cherry Hills, it can be hard to know how to meet people and where to start. Essentials is our “start here” environment. It’s designed to help orient you to the basics of Christian practice, and launch you into participation in God’s work in and through you. We hope it helps prepare you for a subsequent step into a LifeGroup, Institute class, membership, baptism, serve team, or whatever God is moving you toward. We want to help incorporate people into the life of our church, and if you’ve already been here awhile and are looking to be more engaged, this is where you can get plugged in.


A new class will launch in January, 2025


Questions? Email luke@cherryhillsfamily.org.

weekly content
Week 01 | God’s Story: The Gospel
Week 02 | What’s my story?
Week 03 | Beginning the Journey
Week 04 | Bible
Week 05 | Prayer
Week 06 | Stewardship
Week 07 | Church
Week 08 | Mission
Who is this class designed for?
Do I have to take this before being baptized or becoming a member?
Does this class cost anything?
Will I learn Christian doctrine in this class; what if I don’t know much theology?
Is childcare available?
Is there any “homework” given outside of class time?
How frequently will Essentials be offered?