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Craig & Allison Fowler
Craig & Allison Fowler

name: Craig & Allison Fowler

kids: Zane (22), Ezra (19), and Anna (16)

what country do you serve in: Ethiopia

how many years have you been there: 18 years

your job in 2 sentences or less: We focus on church planting by training up local leaders and partnering with them to plant churches in new areas.  We also focus on meeting physical needs through medical work and clean water wells.

favorite book: The Botany of Desire by Michael Pollan

favorite food from the country you serve in? Roasted field corn

what do you love about your ministry? The longer we are there, the more effective we become due to knowing the language and culture - and it’s pretty motivating to see the fruit from some of our earlier years in Ethiopia.


To learn more or partner: https://give.cmfi.org/donate/church-catalyst-ethiopia-fowler
