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Nate & Insa Brewer
Nate & Insa Brewer

how many years have you been there?: 15 years

your job in 2 sentences or less: We are investing into people's lives via mentoring, disciple-making, church planting, and training in fivefold ministry: As a spiritual entrepreneur, Nathan is the founder of Fivefold Training which equips individuals, teams and churches in fivefold ministry using his book The Pulse of Christ: A Fivefold Training Manual, and the founder of the non-profit missions team Kyrios Ministries Team. Together with Insa, they planted a simple church in 2017 helping people reimagine church. Insa ministers through graphic design and communications for all of the above.

favorite book: Nathan - 5Q: Reactivating the original intelligence and capacity of the body of Christ; Insa - Ink Heart by Cornelia Funke

favorite food from the country you serve in: Nathan - Kaiserschmarrn (The Emperor's Pancakes); Insa - Goulash with dumplings

What do you love about your ministry? We love seeing people discover Jesus, equipping them in their gifts, pioneering and starting new ventures, and seeing broken people be restored through Jesus' power.


To learn more or partner: 

Kyrios Ministries

Fivefold Training 

Nathan's book: The Pulse of Christ

House Church Network in Vienna 

